Hannah Lark

EI Cure Project UK Trustee and UK Representative


I’m Hannah Lark, a Graphic Designer from Scotland who was the first in my family to be born with KRT10 EI. I’m proud to say I helped to design the EI Cure Project logo, which I was extremely honoured to do!  

When I Graduated from college I knew my skin wouldn’t allow me to go out and work a ‘normal’ 9-5 job, so I decided to start my own Graphic Design business, which I’m happy to say has been very successful and the most perfect career for me. I have a gorgeous little office at home where I can work comfortably as often as I like, so I feel grateful that the subject I’m passionate about is one that allows me to have this kind of flexibility.  

Throughout my life I’ve learned the importance of surrounding yourself with people who understand what you’re going through, and have met so many wonderful friends who have EI themselves or family members with it. 

I already feel that the EI Cure Project has brought so many of us together, as we all share the same dream of one day making a cure a reality. It’s also encouraged me to speak out about my skin, giving me the confidence to no longer hide it from the world as raising money and awareness suddenly feels so important to me. 

I’m fortunate to have a very happy life with a wonderfully supportive family, friends and partner, but my life is limited by this debilitating condition. I grew up having to accept that there’s a lot of things I’ll never be able to do - and now the prospect of one day being able to do those things is mind-blowing. To me, finding a cure would mean the world.


Rhiannon Morgan - UK Charity


Brody Fredericksen - US Organisation