Cat Lancashire

EI Cure Project UK Co-founder, Treasurer, and UK Representative

My name is Cat Lancashire and I live in a little village called Alrewas in Staffordshire, UK. I am a stay-at-home mum and also run my own curtain making business from home to allow me to be flexible in caring for our children.  

Our ichthyosis journey started almost 10 years ago when our son Alfie was born with KRT10 EI.  Alfie was the first person in our family with ichthyosis and prior to him being born we had never even heard of ichthyosis let alone know how to care for a baby with ichthyosis! Thankfully we live in a time where social media has enabled us to connect with families all across the world and we have developed many meaningful connections with other families and individuals with ichthyosis who have offered a wealth of support and advice.  

I am an active part of the ichthyosis community  and have strong connections with other families in the community as well as working closely with the UK based Ichthyosis Support Group to help support other families and raise awareness. When the opportunity came up to be involved in the EI Cure Project to move research forward for the EI community I had to be part of it, not only to make things better for our son, but also for the community as a whole. We have a very supportive community around us who always get behind any fundraising we do for various causes. I am very tenacious and determined to move this research forward!


Andrew Sanders - UK Charity


Rhiannon Morgan - UK Charity