Andrew Sanders

EI Cure Project UK Founder, UK Director, and UK Representative

I'm Andrew Sanders and I'm originally from Edinburgh, and with my wife and 3 children, we live in the midlands in the UK. We recently returned to the Uk after living in the US for 10 years and this is where our kids were born. By profession, I’m an educator, and specialise in political science and international relations. I completed my PhD in Irish Political History, and currently work as a Professor in International Relations at a UK University.

Our eldest son Ruairi, has KRT10 EI and is the only one in our family with the condition. We felt we were somewhat fortunate when he was born in that one of the doctors recognised the skin condition so we could research it a little during the first two weeks he spent in the NICU. 

We’re firm believers in research for ichthyosis, and so we've previously raised money for the US charity FIRST on a few occasions, including an event at the Houston Astros baseball, and various sponsored runs. 

We're really excited to be part of this project and hope that we'll be able to support some excellent PhD researchers who will help to get our entire EI community to a place where they have the option to cure the condition if they wish.


Tom Lill - Swiss Association


Cat Lancashire - UK Charity