Dr Antoni Gostynski

Dr Antoni Gostynski is an Academic Dermatologist at Maastricht University Medical Centre, Netherlands. He completed his medical training at the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland before going on to complete his PhD and PhD fellowship at the University Medical Centre Groningen in the Netherlands. His PhD research in ‘Revertant cell therapy for epidermolysis bullosa’ allowed him to work with research teams in Madrid, Spain and Denver, USA.

Dr Gostynski also works as a Genodermatoses Expert and Principle Investigator for the National Expertise Centre for Genodermatoses and the European Reference Network for Skin (ERN-Skin). His special interests include genodermatoses and immunology, and his current research focus includes ichthyosis and palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK).

Dr Gostynski is currently part of a research group who are developing a Core Outcome Set for the Inherited Ichthyoses (COSII) alongside fellow EI Cure Project Research Alliance member, Professor Juliette Muzereeuw-Hautier. This important work aims to ensure uniform reporting of study characteristics and outcomes which, in turn, will improve comparability of data from all future studies, and will help to determine therapeutic gain from future therapies.


Professor Cristina Has - Germany


Professor Sarah Hedtrich - Germany and Canada