Professor Juliette Mazereeuw-Hautier

Professor Juliette Mazereeuw-Hautier is a French dermatologist based in Toulouse, France. She serves as the coordinator for the Reference Center for Rare Skin Diseases in the southern region of France. Additionally, she leads the subgroup on ichthyosis and palmoplantar keratoderma within the European Reference Network for Rare Skin Diseases (ERN-Skin).

Professor Mazereeuw-Hautier is deeply involved in the care and management of patients with rare skin conditions, with a particular focus on ichthyosis. Her expertise in this area is well recognized, encompassing both clinical practice and research. Her research contributions in the field of ichthyosis range from fundamental studies on pathophysiology and epidemiology to clinical trials. She also explores the quality of life, psychosocial aspects, and therapeutic options for patients with this condition.


Dr Anna Martinez - UK


Dr Angela Hernández-Martin - Spain