30,000 in 30 days!

It’s now been 30 days that we’ve been fundraising, and I’m absolutely delighted to be able to say that we’ve raised CHF 30,000! This has been no easy task by any means and I feel a little as though I now have a new full-time job. I can’t deny however that I’ve loved everything about it, and am still so excited to see where the month of March leads us next.

In the past 30 days, we’ve launched a GoFundMe, we’ve developed a new logo, Tom and I built a website (And we’re both secretly a little bit proud of ourselves for this first-time achievement in our 40’s), we hosted a Rare Disease Day event at our children’s school, I built a new website feature called “Faces of EI”, AND I just finished uploading our very first attempt at a Podcast (with a little help from tech-savvy Tom, phew!). All in all I’d say that February was a busy and productive showcase for how seriously I believe in the EI cure project. I hope that you can all see this and will continue to support this life-changing cause.


Rare Disease Day - February 28th


Logo design