Logo design

This week I worked with the very talented Hannah Lark, of Hannah Lark Design. Hannah is incredibly important to all of us in the EI community, she is always there with her positive attitude and reassuring new parents that life with EI will be okay no matter how scary things might seem. Hannah lives her life with EI with grace, dignity, and beauty, and is such an inspiration to myself and many others. It is truly an honour to have been able to work with Hannah for the EI cure project logo.

The logo design incorporates many genomic symbols, and a personal dedication to our daughter Arienne. Her silhouette represents the shape of a chromosome, and she holds the DNA double-helix above her head. The section of DNA high-lighted in red represents the EI pathogenic point mutation. It is this point mutation that the researchers must edit and correct in order to find a cure.


30,000 in 30 days!


Early meeting of major milestones