Early meeting of major milestones

The graphs below demonstrate the number of daily donations and how our total (Cumulative) donations have increased over the first two weeks of fundraising. It is clear that whenever we boost our presence on the various social media sites, the number of daily donations increases. The first 3 days correspond with the launch of the GoFundMe page, an increase in donations at day 7 was observed with a reminder sent on Facebook, and another steady boost in donations was observed at day 13 after my posting of a personal video to explain the EI cure project on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

After only 3 days, the total donations had risen to CHF 10,000, and after the first 2 weeks, the total donations had risen above CHF 25,000. The EI community is humbled by the level of support that we have seen so far, and we are all so very grateful.

Thank you to everyone who has donated, shared, and supported us so far. We still have a very long way to go, but we are so glad of how far we have already come.


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A Valentine’s Day gift